Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States Center for Spiritual LivingKansas City, MO, United States

The Stories We Tell

By KC Fringe (other events)

6 Dates Through Jul 27, 2024

What do roller derby, a second set of dishes, and a misunderstood holocaust memory have in common? Find out in The Stories We Tell. Multi-talented Jewish Artist Lezlie Revelle Zucker leads her audience through a series of vignettes and monologues that explore identity—not only what it means to be human, but what it means to be a particular human—through the lens of the Jewish experience in America.